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Opfor Tips



Opfor has several advantages and disadvantages.

They have crappier starting weapons, and crappier starting HF units. No thermals until later in game, but if you use the vehicles they start with in the right way, you can captilze early on and gain a supply advantage over Blufor.


stay away from T-34's and T-55's











The T-34 is very slow and takes forever to travel from town to town. By the time you climb that hill and get to the next town, Blufor has probably capped 2 towns. The T-55 is not much faster, is also a slow climber, and is currently bugged in game (tab targetting doesn't work.) Best off getting a BMP-2. It has very weak armour, but on the plus side it's 30mm cannon GREATLY outmatches the bradley's 25mm cannon - in both damage AND rate of fire. The BMP-2 can also fire a decent AT rocket which packs a good punch. The BMP-2 can carry 7 infantry in the back, which could easily dismount and take out any AT inf if you send them up ahead.


T-72's are worthwhile but you SHOULD use them with Mechanized inf support. A T-72 can usually 1 shot an M1A1, has beefy armour, but usually ends up being overwhelmed by AT Inf, due to it's low mobility and turning radius. If you have a section of inf with you, or other fast moving APCS with high mobility and good supplementary firepower, you greatly increase the survivablity of the T-72. Also when deployed in numbers (4 or more) the T-72 is absolutely DEADLY.


T-90's are worth while because of the increased armour and firepower. You could easily defeat 2 armour units at the same time by firing AT rocket, then switching to main 125mm smoothbore and firing at a dfferent target. The T-90 has excellent Thermals, good MG for commander, and fast mobility.



BMP-3's are LETHAL. If you use them properly, they could be the deadliest vehicle on the battlefield. It doesn't take much to kill them, but their firepower and versatility are unmatched. they can be used in almost any situation, and when it comes to killing infantry in towns with thermal sites (default "n" button twice), there is no equal. 30mm autocannon toggled with 100mm HE equals fiery death for infantry!





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